New Host

I know that the site has been down for a few hours but, we’re back baby! Yeah!

I have moved to a new web host. WebbleYou is the best solution for Kicking at the Darkness. Justin, the guy that brings you WebbleYou, also created the wordpress theme that you see before you. Great prices, quick turn around. It costs $4 a month and you need to supply only one urine sample. That’s it!

If you are looking at moving from blogger or you just want a great web site, WebbleYou could be your best solution too.

One thought on “New Host”

  1. Thanks for the endorsement. I see you’ve cleaned things up very quickly and made yourself at home again in the RC2005 theme. Happy blogging.

    If you’re a reader of Micheal’s and you sign up, let me know and I’ll give him a free month of hosting for the referral. Cool.

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