Last week I shared with you how I was recently diagnosed with diabetes T2 and that through exercise and diet I have been able to get a handle on the disease and see some success when it comes to my physical health. I shared my story because I also want to help and motivate others who may be struggling with their health – physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Each Wednesday I want to post something related to getting healthy in a weekly feature called Workout Wednesday.
To kick it off, I wanted to write a fun post about some of the things that I am currently using to help me at the gym. From equipment to workouts to gear check out these 5 Things That I Use to Workout and then tell me what you are using to get healthy in the comments before you leave.
Have a great day and get healthy!
5 Things That I Use to Work Out
1) The Machine

Last week I felt like I was in high school again. I lifted weights MWF and then ran/conditioned on TTh.
Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind…
Sorry, I’m back. I am in love with this machine. As you can see all of the weights are mounted to the side of the machine so no walking around trying to find the right plate. I can do all of my barbell exercises (squat, deadlift, clean, bench, overhead press) at this rack, Love, love, love it. So far when I’ve gone up to the gym to work out this corner has been empty so I proclaim this machine for me and my people. I need a flag.
2) The Tunes

You can’t work out with out music.
Well, you can… but at what cost? I believe in living.
3) The Chute

I’m a chugger. I don’t take sips. I’m not a bird. I’m a sashquatch except, despite what you may believe about me, I have a small mouth. In my zeal to remain hydrated more water can get on my shirt than in my body. That’s why I love my Camelbak Chute. Not only does the bottle fit in my car cupholder but the spigot on the lid is the perfect size for gulping down larger amounts of water fast.
Get you one: Camelbak Chute
4) The App

I haven’t lifted weights in over a decade. I knew that I wanted to add strength training to my running but I had know idea where to start. I was reading an article about training for an event I was interested in and I came across and the 5×5 workout. The site claims that this program is “the simplest workout to gain strength.” While it is too early to gage the truth of that entire statement I will say that this is a simple strength workout that puts you through the paces, is fun, engaging, and challenging. The idea is simple 3 workouts every other day, 5 sets or 5 reps. That’s it. The app helps you keep tabs on your progress, lets you watch training videos, and even gives you an audible prompt when it is time to quit resting between sets and get after it. In a few weeks, I should know if this program works but until then I am enjoying get back under the bar and pumping some iron.
Check out
The 5×5 Workout Plan
5) The Beard

I’m growing my beard out until I hit a particular weight goal I’ve set for myself. Now, I have no intention to become the TX cousin of Duck Dynasty. I will trim and taper and take care of the beard but I am keeping it until (at least) until I hit my goal. That means that I have to endure my little girl grabbing fistfuls of beard and yanking as hard as she can. I’ll have to tough out the heat in the coming months. I’ll also have to answer questions as to wether or not I dye it this color red (Thank You St Paddy’s Day). But you know what… I don’t mind any of it. Beards are sweet. Achievements are even sweeter.
What motivates you to workout or what are you currently using that has helped you stay in the game, break a sweat, or stay motivated?