Category Archives: Top 5 Things

Top 5: Follow On Twitter

I love using Twitter to expand my mind and my leadership ability. Here are 5 of my favorite people on Twitter who challenge me, stretch me, and encourage me.

@JonAcuff is the author and creator of and is quite possibly one of the funniest and genuinely honest bloggers out there. Jon is the exact amount of funny I wish I was. His site is a collection of writings and thoughts about Christian culture, church life, and everything in between. Add him to your Twitter feed today.

@CatalystLeader reminds me each day to develop and grow as a leader. Great links. Great challenges. Great thoughts.

I get a dose of theological thought from @CSLewisDaily each and every morning. If Lewis were still here today I’m sure these thoughts are what he would tweet.

@BradLomenick is one of the main creative leaders behind Catalyst. I have a huge respect for this guy and I love checking out his tweets to see what he is thinking, hearing, and seeing.

How @CornelWest distills his thoughts on #Love and culture into only 140 characters boggles my mind. Sometimes controversial. Always engaging.

Five for Thursday

Top 5 Blog Posts I’ve Been Reading:

  1. ChurchMarketingSucks looks at the Church Banner #FAIL? Apparently, the WTF Banner is on purpose.
  2. Seth Godin tells us that Attitude Matters
  3. Pastor Steven Furtick reminds us that the Sermon Ships Every Week
  4. I’ve got the iPad but challenges me to avoid coveting the Fancy Pulpit to match
  5. Michael Hyatt reviews all the latest reading devices from the Kindle to the iPad

Top 5 Albums I’m Listening To:

  1. Kingdom Come by Elevation Church
  2. Switchfoot iTunes Session-EP by Switchfoot
  3. Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons
  4. We Cry Out by Jeremy Camp
  5. Suburbs by Arcade Fire

Top 5 Books I’m Reading:

  1. Almost Christian by Kendra Creasy Dean
  2. Church Planter by Darrin Patrick
  3. Exponential by Dave & Jon Ferguson
  4. Permission to Speak Freely by Anne Jackson
  5. Lasting Impressions by Mark Waltz

Top 5 Tweets of the Week:

  1. @TimSchraeder: Thank goodness Jesus said the church would prevail… despite WTF and Koran-burning churches.
  2. @ScottMcClellan: Friends don’t let friends buy purple jeans. Unless you’re friends with Prince- he’d probably give you the go ahead.
  3. @CSLewisDaily: As long as he doesn’t convert it into action, it does not matter how much a man thinks about his repentance.
  4. @ConanOBrien: Facebook is trying to trademark the word “Face” I am going to trademark the word “aceboo” and then wait for the dollars to roll in.
  5. @StevenFurtick: I may or may not have made a Boyz II Men playlist for Furtick family supper background music tonight. I may or may not know every vocal run.

Top 5: Insomnia

I have been diagnosed with Insomnia since 2004. Most nights, regardless of any rhyme or reason, I have trouble falling asleep at an hour most of you deem acceptable. I have a prescription sleeping pill that I rarely take because A) they are stinkin’ expensive and 2) I often think I’ll go to sleep at a decent hour and then 3am rolls around and I don’t want to take a sleeping pill that late/early. That means, while everyone else is sleeping, I have to fill the quiet hours with activity. Here are the Top 5 Things I Like To Do When Battling Insomnia:

1) Read- No earth shattering news there. I love to read and if my brain has the ON switch flipped I might as well log some hours in between the pages of a good book.

2) Pick Up My Son- Every few hours (minutes?) I’ll sneak into my son’s room, pick him up, give him a tight squeeze, and then put him back in bed. Usually I can do all this before he makes a peep and wakes up Mom.

3) Food Network- I love “Unwrapped” and it is the perfect show for an insomniac. First of all, the show requires zero critical thinking skills. Sugar and corn syrup goes in the big vat, goodies come out, kids eat goodies. Brilliant! Plus, watching machines move candy down the conveyor belt is rather hypnotic. It is all good until “Iron Chef” comes on and then I’m sitting on the edge of the bed. “The Secret Ingrediant is….PAPYAAAAAAAAHHHH! Forget sleep now!

4) Stare at the Ceiling While Rolling From Side to Side- Usually there is at least an hour of trying this sleep technique. Not really effective. At. All.

5) Finish What I Started Earlier In The Day- Many a class or lesson have been written in the wee, small hours of the night. Not because of procrastination but because I found myself wide awake. Some have wondered how I get so many things done and the secret is that I often have a few more hours to work then the average person. While this insomnia is a curse, it does allow me to get some things finished at a faster pace. Believe me though when I say that there isn’t really a bright side to not sleeping. Getting things done is not a substitute for sleep depravation. The person that tells you otherwise is not to be trusted. That person is probably a robot and we all know how I feel about robots.

There you have it- My Top 5 Things To Do When Battling Insomnia. If you find yourself up late at night, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone! Happy sleeping everyone! Have a good night’s rest.

Top 5: Blessings

I’m sitting here on the couch watching the tail end of the local news. Everyone in the house is asleep. I’m about to pack up the laptop and spend a few minutes reading before I head off to bed. As I sit here I am just taking a moment to reflect on my day. I am one blessed dude. Here are five blessing that I am thankful for right now:

  1. My Family. We had some family photos taken over the weekend. Hewson celebrates his first birthday next week so we had a few pics taken to commemorate this season of our little family. I have a beautiful, loving, kind, and compassionate wife. I have a beautiful son as well. Life is God and God has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination.
  2. My Students. Some people like their jobs. I love my job as a youth minister!!! Tonight we had Bible study at the house and we shared a meal together. There is nothing better than scripture and steak.
  3. The Gospel. I know that Jesus Christ is Lord of All. I know that God sent His Son to destroy sin and death. I know that Jesus was raised to life by the power of the Holy Spirit. I know that The Holy Spirit lives in me and helps me in all that I do.Have you ever stopped to give thanks that you too know the Gospel?
  4. Health. I am healthy and my family is healthy. I am always thankful for this. Of course, even if sickness does strike us we will still be blessed. For now, we give thanks for the good health that we have.
  5. Opportunities. God, thank you for the opportunities you have placed before me. Each day brings new opportunities and each season brings great choices. As summer approaches I pray that you will help me make the most of every opportunity afforded to me and our ministry.

What blessings are you thankful for right now?

Top 5 Things: Sick Things

So I’ve been hanging out in bed since yesterday afternoon because I got the ole stomach bug. I’ve been swigging the Pepto and wishing for the end of the world to come quickly. Obviously I am not a big fan of being sick. So… I thought I’d post a list of my Top 5 Things to Do While You’re Sick. Next time you’re under the weather try a few of my suggestions and hopefully you’ll feel better. Enjoy the list!

1) Monopolize the Couch- You’re sick. You deserve to take up the only piece of furniture that has direct access to the television. In fact, you also need to have complete control over the tv and the remote. Sure, you’re so sick that you pass out and sleep for hours on end but when you regain consciousness the tv better be on the channel I left it on or so help me…

2) Pretending Like You’re Not Sick- Sure, everyone else in your immediate family came down with a horrible, West Nile style stomach virus but that’s NOT what you have. You just ate something funny. You’ll be ok. Just push through.

3) Acting Like a Baby- When I’m sick this is one of my favorite things to do. So what? Who cares? Give me this one thing! Don’t judge me!!!

4) Curling Up in a Ball and Weeping- In the Seinfeld episode titled, “The Dinner Party,” Jerry eats a Black & White cookie that causes him to break a 14yr vomit-free streak. While my streak has never been this long I try to go years between ralphs. I hate, hate, hate throwing up. When I dashed to the porcelain god yesterday all I wanted to do was weep and wail. And I did.

5) Rest- Ok, this one is for real. The best thing you can do when sick is rest up. In fact, there is a good chance that you got sick because you failed to get enough rest. It makes no sense to keep running yourself into the ground when you are laid up. Take this opportunity to catch up on your rest so you can get back on your feet sooner.

Top 5 Opportunities YOU Have TODAY

On the ride in this morning, I was listening to January’s Catalyst Podcast interview with Seth Godin. Seth was discussing his latest book, Linchpin, and said something that caught me ear and captured my imagination.

In the middle (your day to day work activities), people say, “Uh, it’s just my job.” They are grumbling about the way they were treated, they’re not getting paid enough, they don’t like their customers, they don’t like their parishioners. “Uh, this is stupid. Blah, blah, blah.”


You say, “This is my platform. This is the one and only chance I get to do today. What am I going to do with this platform? This opportunity?”

So, today is YOUR day.  You have 24 hours to impact today and today alone. What are you going to do with today?


  1. Worship: You have an opportunity to worship God and to live for Jesus Christ today. Take a moment (this moment) to stop and pray, think and honor, worship and praise the God who created the entire world and who knows you inside and out. Right now, I have been living inside the powerful and profound Revelation Song. The lyrics quote the song of the living beings in Revelation 4 & 5: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty- who was and is and is to come.” You have an opportunity to WORSHIP today through the work that you do and through person who are. How will you worship in the midst of your day to day?
  2. Lead: I’ve been thinking a lot about the leadership legacy I want to leave. A legacy comes from developing other leaders to take your place. I once heard that the goal of leadership is to work yourself out of a job. Today you have an opportunity to LEAD. Who are you leading today?
  3. Learn: We live in an incredible time where information is readily available and often free to access. Leaders are learners. Are you learning today? What lessons are being offered to yu today through books, podcasts, conversations? You have the opportunity to LEARN today. Are you taking advantage of the lessons around you?
  4. Serve: Imagine how your day would go if you approached every email you wrote, class you prepared for, phone call you made, text you sent, and every conversation and activity by asking, “How will this serve this person?” of “How does this best serve these people?” You have an opportunity to SERVE today. Do you have the attitude of Jesus (Matthew 20:28; Philippians 2:5-11) when it comes to serving those in your care?
  5. Connect: I have a list of 10 connections that I try to make each and everyday. I got the list from the book 99 Thoughts for Youth Workers by Josh Griffin. Making connections is what life and ministry is all about. Each day I try to take time to connect with God, my family, a student, a friend, and my philosophy. You have the OPPORTUNITY to connect today. How are you doing making connection with God and with others? What are some other important people or things you need to make connections with today?

You have all sorts of opportunities today. Make the most of these opportunities. Worship for today. Lead for today. Learn for today. Serve for today. Connect for today.

Top 5 Reasons I Blog

To mark our 5th Anniversary of the blog I thought I would share with you the Top 5 Reasons I Blog. Enjoy!

  1. Digital Journal- My blog is a digital journal where I can collect thoughts, ideas, web links, news stories, events, and pop culture touchstones. Some days I can blog the lyrics to a song or write about my favorite tv show. Other days I can post a review of a book I’ve read or meditate on some scripture that is feeding my soul. Welcome to my digital journal.
  2. Pontificate- Those of you who personally know me can attest to the fact that I love to talk. It was once foretold (when I was a mere child) that I would grow up to be either a lawyer or a preacher. On the blog I get to be both and everything in between.
  3. Develop My Writing- This is obviously a work in progress. I started my blog to help me develop some skills as a writer. It is my hope to one day publish a book and the blog helps me think through the elements of writing in a way that is both practical and public. Learning to write for an audience has been a great challenge for me. Thanks for being part of my experiment.
  4. Connect With Others- Since starting the blog I have had the opportunity to meet with other bloggers at conferences, I’ve been invited to write for a few publications, and I have been able to correspond with a few of my favorite authors. Blogging has been a great way to connect with other people, new ideas, and different communities.
  5. It’s Fun- I get a great sense of satisfaction when I publish a post. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to write a post and sometimes it takes me a week to churn out a post. Regardless, I enjoy preparing, writing and publish content on this blog. Most hobbies come and go. I’ve been doing this for over 5 years now. It has been a fun, fun endeavor. Thanks for coming along on the journey!