Mtv has posted some pics from the latest Harry Potter flick, The Order of the Phoenix.
The pics include the first looks at Luna Lovegood and Dolores Umbridge.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is scheduled for release July 13, 2007.
Mtv has posted some pics from the latest Harry Potter flick, The Order of the Phoenix.
The pics include the first looks at Luna Lovegood and Dolores Umbridge.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is scheduled for release July 13, 2007.
It is Friday.
What I’m Listening To Today
Marvin Gaye is so much more than “Let’s Get It On.”
His prophetic album, What’s Going On still give me chills whenever I listen to it. Although it has been 35 years since he recorded it, the album is just as relevant and as stirring.
From “What’s Happening Brother” (War is hell, when will it end, When will people start gettin’ together again) to “Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)” (Crime is increasing, Trigger happy policing, Panic is spreading, God know where we’re heading, Oh, make me wanna holler) Gaye sense of social justive will always shine brighter than his sone sexual freedom. The entire album puts social justice firmly at feet of the broader spirtiual contexts.
His song “God is Love” is a great homily about our Father and what he expects from us.
Don’t go and talk about my Father
Cause God is my friend
Jesus is my friend
He loves us whether or not we know it
Just loves us, oh ya
And He’ll forgive all our sins
Forgive all our sins
And all He asks of us, is we give each other love.
If you haven’t ever listend to this album you haven’t lived. I mean it. Without being too melodramatic, this album will change your life. You can’t listen to it passively. It demands action.
So, wow, this weather…
It is currently 68 degrees outside today. I think once my laptop charges I’ll head to the great outdoors to finish the day.
5 days to go…
and then I’m off to Atlanta. I look more forward to the Catalyst conference than any other conference I’ve ever been too.
Andy Stanley always blows me away with his grasp of leadership ideals and his skill at apply the Word to my life. This year I am looking forward to hearing from Rick McKinley (Imago Dei), Gary Haugen (International Justice Mission), and John Stott.
Catalyst truly lives up to it’s name. Check it out!
4 days until…
The new Killers album. Oh, you know you liked the first one. Don’t lie to yourself. The new one looks to rock harder than their new-waveish freshman release. I hope to check out their performance on SNL this weekend.
Sam’s Town drops on Tuesday.
i hope everyone has a great weekend. Peace out!
Why, why, why, why, why…
is the Beatles’ All You Need Is Love being used to sell credit cards for Chase?
I’m sure that’s what the Beatles had in mind when they wrote it. Right?
1) Fall Is On the Way
I went for an evening workout on Tuesday and was greeted by a nice, cool night. You could almost smell Fall in the air. The same could be said for the morning drives to work. I have also noticed that I haven’t been getting sunstroke as I drive around with my sunroof open and my windows down. It is actually comfortable. This summer’s heat was, in a word, oppressive. The cooler temperatures have been a welcomed change.
2) In Cold Blood
Every year I try and squeeze a classic into my reading schedule. This year I chose Capote’s In Cold Blood. I don’t know which is more fascinating: The story of a family that was brutally killed by two sociopaths and how the were brought to justice or the story of an effeminate homosexual with a weird voice from Ny by way of Alabama that travels to Kansas to document the murders and becomes the toast of the town yet allows himself to get too close to the story and never writes another book after this one?
3) Continuum
John Mayer’s newest makes the leap from frat/sorority pop-lite fluff to great, mellow rythm and blues. Well done.
4) Water Cups
What is the deal with fast food chains offering 44oz. sodas for 89 cents and yet they can only afford to give away 6oz. water cups? They ought to just have a dixie cup dispenser on the counter right next to the register. At Quizzno’s a large drink (32oz) is $1.59. A bottle of Aquafina water (20oz) is $1.69. for those of us who like to drink big, we might as well get a large drink and fill it with water. It’s messed up.
5) Dunder-Mifflin and Lego Star Wars 2
Christmas came early this year. My wife picked me up The Office Duder-Mifflin Severance Package from Best Buy. It came with both seasons of the funniest show on TV, DM post-its, a DM note pad, and a magnet replica of Dwight K. Schrute’s buissnes card.
I returned the favor by picking up her a copy of Lego Star Wars 2. That’s right. We play video games together. We spent many hours together bonding during the first one. I used to think that canoeing with your significant other was the best way for you to learn a lot about your relationship with your spouse. I was way off. Video-gaming with your spouse will open your eyes to unseen issues that were never present before. You think you love each other until you try to jump over a pit of molten lava and fail. Character is built during these moments. We love it!!! We have a date with episode IV tonight.
That’s all I’ve got right now. Have a gret Thursday!!!
My wife says that if someone kills themselves after they talk to you than you’re more than a jerk. I’ll just stick with that title for now.
Two weeks after telling police that her son had been snatched from his crib, Melinda Duckett found herself reeling in an interview with TV’s famously prosecutorial Nancy Grace. Before it was over, Grace was pounding her desk and loudly demanding to know: “Where were you? Why aren’t you telling us where you were that day?”
A day after the taping, Duckett, 21, shot herself to death, deepening the mystery of what happened to the boy. Police have refused to say whether she left a suicide note, and said nothing they have found so far in their investigation of her death has shed light on the whereabouts of her 2-year-old son, Trenton.
Investigators have stopped short of calling her a suspect but have focused increasing attention on her movements just before the boy vanished and the notes, computer, camera and other items seized from her house.
Duckett’s family members disputed any suggestion that she hurt her son. They said that the strain of her son’s disappearance pushed her to the brink, and the media sent her over the edge.
“Nancy Grace and the others, they just bashed her to the end,” Duckett’s grandfather Bill Eubank said Tuesday. “She wasn’t one anyone ever would have thought of to do something like this. She and that baby just loved each other, couldn’t get away from each other. She wouldn’t hurt a bug.”
Janine Iamunno, a spokeswoman for Grace, said in an e-mail that Duckett’s death was “an extremely sad development,” but that the program would continue covering the case. “We feel a responsibility to bring attention to this case in the hopes of helping find Trenton Duckett, who remains missing,” Iamunno said.
Duckett had told police that after she finished watching a movie Aug. 27, she went to check on Trenton in his bedroom, and all she found was an empty crib _ and a 10-inch cut in the window screen above it. At the time she was living her son, wading through a messy divorce with the boy’s father and trying to get her life back on track after getting laid off from her job with a lawn care company.
The boy’s disappearance in this town of 19,000 people about 45 miles northwest of Orlando stretched the 75-member police force to its limits. Fliers were posted on gas station doors around town, asking for information from anyone who might have seen the boy, a brown- haired youngster wearing denim shorts and a diaper. Trenton’s father, 21-year-old Josh Duckett, was closely questioned after the boy disappeared. Newspapers reported that his wife had taken out a temporary restraining order against him. But Josh Duckett took a polygraph test and has answered all police questions satisfactorily, Capt. Ginny Padgett said.
On Sept. 7, Melinda Duckett gave a telephone interview to CNN Headline News’ Grace, a former prosecutor known for practically cross-examining her guests. Duckett stumbled over such questions as whether she had taken a polygraph _ she said she refused on the advice of her divorce lawyer _ and where, exactly, she was shopping with the boy before his disappearance. Hours before the interview aired, Duckett shot herself Friday with her grandfather’s gun at her grandparents’ house, up the road from where she was living.
Apple has a press meeting today. The invitations read, “It’s Showtime.”
Could this be the day that iTunes offers movies? We shall see.
The iTunes store is being updated right now. I’ll update as the day goes on…
Update: 1:35pm CST
iLounge has the details.
FOOTAGE of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin being fatally gored by a stingray on the Great Barrier Reef has been handed to Queensland police as fans worldwide come to grips with the “freak” death.
Irwin, 44, was killed almost instantly when the stingray stabbed him in the heart with its poisonous 20cm barb as he snorkelled off Port Douglas, in north Queensland, yesterday morning.
His American-born wife, Terri, was trekking in Tasmania’s Cradle Mountain and Lake St Clair National Park when the news broke of her husband’s death and was last night being raced back to Queensland with her two children Bindi, 8, and Bob, 2.“The footage shows him swimming in the water, the ray stopped and turned and that was it,” said boatowner Peter West, who viewed the footage afterwards.
“There was no blood in the water, it was not that obvious … something happened with this animal that made it rear and he was at the wrong position at the wrong time and if it hit him anywhere else we would not be talking about a fatality.”
Irwin was shooting a documentary on dangerous marine life, in shallow water at Bat Reef, about 32 nautical-miles offshore, at about 11am (AEST).
rwin was pulled from the water by a cameraman and a crewman, put on an inflatable tender and taken to a support boat about 500m away.
Crewmembers say he was barely conscious in the minutes after the sting, but died as his production team rushed him to his vessel, Croc One, and to a nearby island for emergency treatment.
A charter dive boat crew desperately tried to revive him on the beach, but were unsuccessful and he was pronounced dead shortly afterwards by Queensland Rescue Service officers, who had flown to the area by helicopter.
Irwin’s body was last night flown to Cairns for a post-mortem as police seized all available evidence and interviewed witnesses in order to prepare a report for the Coroner.
A coronial inquest is expected.
Producer, director and life-long friend John Stainton yesterday said Irwin did not provoke the stingray and was simply swimming above it when he was attacked.
“He came over the top of a stingray and the stingray barb went up and into his chest and into his heart,” producer Stainton said.
“It’s likely that he possibly died instantly when the barb hit him and I hope he felt no pain.
One of Irwin’s contemporaries, internationally known cameraman and spearfisherman Ben Cropp, was in his own boat off Port Douglas when Irwin was killed.
“I have just spoken to a cameraman friend who was there and has seen the footage,” Mr Cropp told The Australian last night.
“He was up in the shallow water, probably 1.5m to 2m deep, following a bull ray which was about a metre across the body – probably weighing about 100kg, and it had quite a large spine. The cameraman was filming in the water.”
Mr Cropp said the stingray was spooked and went into defensive mood.
“It probably felt threatened because Steve was alongside and there was the cameraman ahead, and it felt there was danger and it baulked.
“It stopped and went into a defensive mode and swung its tail with the spike.
“Steve unfortunately was in a bad position and copped it.
“I have had that happen to me, and I can visualise it – when a ray goes into defensive, you get out of the way.
“Steve was so close he could not get away, so if you can imagine it – being right beside the ray and it swinging its spine upwards from underneath Steve – and it hit him.
“I have seen that sort of reaction with rays – with their tail breaking the water, such is the force.”
Internationally renowned jellyfish sting expert Jamie Seymour was on board Irwin’s boat at the time.
Irwin had decided yesterday morning to shoot a segment of film on stingrays for a new television program that will be hosted by his daughter Bindi.
Surf Lifesavers national marine stinger adviser Lisa-Ann Gershwin said there had only been 17 fatal stingray attacks worldwide. “I think it’s just an extraordinary freak accident that has happened to his heart,” she said.
“A lot of people will be afraid by this, but they need to keep in mind that this was a freak accident, it was a terrible tragedy but it is not common.”
Dr Gershwin said stingray stings to the legs or arms were common and, while painful, were not normally considered dangerous. She said there were many different types of stingrays, with barbs on their tails up to 30cm long, and they poisoned victims with a range of toxins.
Mr West said the barb was like a “very rough knife” and while fatal stingray stings had been known to occur, filming and swimming alongside the animal was commonplace among marine filmmakers.
Mr Cropp said he was told that the strike was “close to the heart and Steve had a cardiac arrest”.
“At first they treated him as being wounded, but he didn’t survive unfortunately,” he said.
“The second boat in attendance raced in to give assistance and they radioed for help.
“They went into Low Isle and met the chopper which took Steve’s body out.”
In September 2004, Mr Cropp was attacked by a tiger shark on Bott Reef. “The rays in Australia and particularly in the north are not like those on the Cayman Islands, which are very quiet and allow people to ride on their backs,” he said.
“At this time of the year they are on the lookout for tiger sharks and are very frisky.
“They are not aggressive. In fact they are very timid, but they defend themselves by throwing their tail spine upwards, and there is a spike on the tip about 20cm long which they can use like a dagger.”
Back in college, I watched The Croc Hunter religiously. I loved Steve Irwin’s excited attitude about all things nature. I feel really bummed out and incredibly sadened for his family.
Rest in Peace Croc Hunter. Rest in peace.
It’s the ultimate fashion accessory for people who “love their dogs a bit too much.”
Imported from the United States, these colourful and stylish “doggie bags” enable devoted dog owners to carry their puppies and little pooches wherever they go.
Designed to be “lightweight” with an adjustable strap, the “PuppyPurse” is exactly as it sounds.
Carry it by the handles or fling the straps around your shoulder or even waist, it enables the dog lover to go out and about with a little furry friend friend literally by their side.
Nothing gets me as riled up as bad music. Well, I take that back. Nothing gets me as riled up as bad music that is passed off as great music.
Exhibit A:
Yesterday I posted the K-Fed video. What a nightmare! There are hundreds of bands who are out there working hard and paying their dues making music that is real, positive, and revolutionary and this yahoo marries a pop princess and gets prime-time airspace to destroy my ear drum with his drivel? What’s that about?
Exhibit B:
Yesterday, MTV Hits dedicated the entire day to P.Diddy’s fake band Danity Kane because their album dropped today. Art and Corporations don’t work together. Ever. Period.
Oh yeah, Exhibit B2 would be that Paris’ “album” dropped today as well.
Exhibit C:
Fergie’s London Bridge
Danity Kane’s Show Stopper
Justin’s SexyBack
The Pussycat Doll’s Buttons
Nelly Furtado’s Promiscuious
All crap songs. All chart dominators.
Well today fellow readers, I stand in great company. Not only am I tired of the junk pumping from America’s speakers but the father of modern music is too.
Who am I? I’m a nobody consumer who spends a great deal of time with my iPod.
Who is the father of modern music? Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan says the quality of modern recordings is “atrocious,” and even the songs on his new album sounded much better in the studio than on disc.”I don’t know anybody who’s made a record that sounds decent in the past 20 years, really,” the 65-year-old rocker said in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Dylan, who released eight studio albums in the past two decades, returns with his first recording in five years, “Modern Times,” next Tuesday. Noting the music industry’s complaints that illegal downloading means people are getting their music for free, he said, “Well, why not? It ain’t worth nothing anyway.”
“You listen to these modern records, they’re atrocious, they have sound all over them,” he added. “There’s no definition of nothing, no vocal, no nothing, just like … static.”
Don’t trick yourself into believing that Bob is just some old coot who is pining away for the good old days. He would be the first to tell you that the old days weren’t that good (socially).
No, Mr. Dylan is just a man who has seen a lot of musicians and heard a lot of music that is disposable. He’s tired of.
When will America get tired of it?