I had the chance to see Matisyahu in concert last night. This marked the third time I have seen his electric stage show and I loved ever minute of it. For those of you who don’t know about Matisyahu here is a one sentence bio:
Matisyahu is an Orthodox Hasidic Jew who blends reggae, rock, and hip-hop beats into some extremely awesome music.
There. That sums it up nicely.
In 2005 I was heading out on a long trip and the album cover to Live at Stubb’s jumped out at me. I grabbed it and then proceeded to wear my iPod battery out listening to this amazing artist blend reggae and rock with the Old Testament in ways deeper and more meaningful than ever. I have been hooked ever sense.
The concert was at the Palladium Ballroom in downtown Dallas. I had been told that the Palladium was a dive but I really liked the venue. It was in a sketchy part of town but the actual concert area was very nice. There was a great open space, no smoking, and friendly staff and security.
Matisyahu opened the set with L-rd Raise Me Up and captured the crowd with his unique sound. From there the show built to a fevered pitch as the band went through songs old and new. The band is working through a few new songs in anticipation of the new album due out in early 2009. They tried out So High So Low and Smash Lies from the recently released EP, Shattered, on the crowd to much fanfare. The new songs fit well into set and made me excited for the rest of the album.
Highlights from the concert include an extened versions of Jerusalem (Out of Darkness), Youth, Time of Your Song, Chop Em Down, and of course, King Without a Crown. They played for well over two hours. I (reluctantly) had to call it a night at midnight but the band was still going strong as I made my way to the parking lot. I’ll be interested to see a completed playlist to see what I missed!
I only paid $25 bucks for this show but after what I saw last night I was reminded that I will have to fork out a lot more dough the next time see him. Music like this doesn’t stay cheap forever.
I have already pre-ordered a recording of last night’s set from MatisyahuLive. If you sign up for the Matisyahu mailing list at MatisyahuWorld you can redeem a free song and a free concert. You definitely need to check this guy out. If you like what you hear get Live at Stubb’s, one of my Top 10 Albums of All Time.