Category Archives: Life


One thought that has sweeping across my mind the last few days has been that I am blessed with a ton of support people in my life.

I live in an area where the youth ministers regularly meet together- not just to accomplish events but we really connect with one another. While there has been some turn over the last few years (I’ve been here 3 years and I’m one of the veterans) we pray together, hang out together, and support one another. I had lunch with one of these guys yesterday and while the reason behind our meeting was professional we dove deep into the personal side of life. Today I had lunch with an “older” minister- a guy who isn’t old he’s just a little further into the journey than I am- and our time together was this great melding of the personal/professional that only ministers can truly understand. We shared about our season and then we went and visited another minister who just became a dad. Again, another chance to connect with one another and support each other.

Have I ever mentioned here that I also have an awesome wife who supports and encourages me and challenges me. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and we are about to launch into the great beyond of parenthood together. While the days of Monday night dates may soon go the way of the dodo, I wouldn’t have traded anything for the time we spent together last night. Thanks Babe.

I have close friends that I can count on- whether in town or on the phone.

I truly am blessed with some great relationships at church too. I love the give and take of doing life together with the families I have around me at church.

Big THANKS to all of you who support me, encourage me, challenge me, count on me, and who let me count on you.

You are appreciated and loved. More than you know.

A Time Waster?

Most people understand how quickly time can get away from them in this “instant information” culture that we live in.

Instant Message can be a total time burglar.

However, taking a few minutes to talk (IM) with my wife during the work day seems to be the opposite of wasting time.

We just had a great little convo checking in with one another and making plans for tonight. Having the ability to instantly connect has its advantages.

I know this post about IM sounds like it came right out of 1998- but hey gotta love the classics of the Internets.

They Could Not Take Your PRIDE

Every year on this day I celebrate the life Martin Luther King with a post of one of Dr King’s speeches. Sometimes I post the full text or I highlight some of moments that speak to me as I read them. Today I want to post my favorite quote from Dr. King. It is short. It is to the point. It is powerful. I think a lot about this quote in life. Too often we feel that the task before us- whether it be a grand task like Justice or a seemingly insignificant one like Self-Discipline- is impossible.

Press on and keep pressing. If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk- CRAWL.”

Having this attitude, this focus, and creed helps me keep crawling to a better day for my self, my family, my ministry, and all those whom I come in contact with.

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)

This is my goal. This is my ideal. This is my mission. Press on and keep pressing… fly, run, walk, or crawl.

Whose crawling with me?

Thursdays Are For Micheal

This semester I have changed my day off from Tuesdays to Thursdays. Tuesdays were not working for me for a variety of reasons but mainly it boiled down to being too early in the week and too many commitments that made Tuesdays a terrible day for me to be off.

I have spent the last two weeks spending my Thursdays on myself and have felt the better for it. I don’t feel rushed trying to finish a Bible study or preparing for Wednesday night class like I did on Tuesdays. I have actually been able to work on a few personal projects. I am learning what a day off really can be. It feels good.

Wednesdays Are For Relationships

One of my favorite parts of youth ministry is visiting my students for lunch at their school. For me this usually happens when I can fit it in or when I need to connect with a student during a difficult time in their life. As I looked at managing my schedule better I wanted to carve out specific time for me to visit schools on a regular and consistent basis. So now Wednesdays Are For Relationships.

The plan is for me to visit schools during lunch on Wednesdays this semester. By making this a priority and by staying a head of my schedule I think that I can keep this up.

Rather than haphazardly intending to meet with students I’m strategically making time for it.

Tuesdays Are For Development

So yesterday I laid the foundation for my whole week- I mapped out my To Do list and my Due Date list, I prepped for each of my teaching times, and I wrapped up loose ends from last week. Now that I have a base for operating out of it is time to move towards Development.

Development of Classes
I still prep for my teaching times today but I focus more on my Tuesday and Wednesday teaching times. For simplicity sake and for consistency- these teaching times are both traditional Bible study times. On Tuesdays we are studying through 2 Timothy and Wednesdays are focused on John. This allows for a bit of a pattern so that I’m not prepping for two completely different things back to back. It helps me and I believe that the students benefit from traditional Bible study. On Wednesday I’ll continue developing my Wed night class and dive deeper on Sunday AM and PM.

Development of Ministry
To develop my ministry I set aside time to read, process, evaluate and dream each week. Today I’m reading through a ministry journal to glean tips and ideas for the ministry. After that I’m making a few calls to set up some events for the coming months. I’ll wrap up the day reading and taking notes on developing community within our group. If I can get to it today I will also work on some art work for an upcoming series and I have an office administration form I need to work on. These two projects are low on the totem pole though. I have them scheduled under “if there is time” today. If I can’t get to them today I have room in my schedule to fit them in by Friday. That’s the genius of planning.

I have really benefited from implementing Covey’s 4 Quadrants into my life (more on Q2 below). Development of content, character, and vision always trumps the bells and whistles. It is tempting to just work on the icing and the design of the surface but if there is no cake underneath then you have failed as a baker.

Holistic Development
Covey defines Quadrant 2 (Important/Not Urgent) habits as those that lead to holistic development: Preparation, Prevention, Values Clarification, Planning, Relationship building, Empowerment. The fact that I spent Monday laying these foundations helps me develop these habits, my ministry and my self today. Covey would say that is putting first things first. I just say that Tuesdays Are For Development.

Mondays Are For Foundations

This week the plan is to post some thoughts on my new schedule. As I stated last semester (I’m the son of teachers, I’m married to a teacher, I am a minister to students- I think in semesters) I was stretched a little thin. The problem wasn’t that I felt overloaded. The problem was that I felt like my schedule was out of my hands. Years ago I wouldn’t have cared but now that I’m staring down a baby that is on its way and a busy summer schedule I knew I had to change something. I decided rather than to ride the wave with a “come what may” attitude that I would take the initiative and make the wave work for me. I sat down and marked down the have tos– the things that I must do or must accomplish each week. From there everything kind of fell into place. I found that in order to start of my week right I would have to make sure that Mondays Are For Foundations.

Each week I make sure that my Mondays are set aside for preparation, study, meetings, and planning.

Have To: Prepare for Teaching
As it now stands, I have to prepare for 4 separate teaching times- Sunday AM, Sunday PM, Tuesday Night, and Wednesday Night. If I don’t adequately prepare for these teaching times than I’m cheating everyone involved from my teens to their parents to myself and I am ignoring my calling to “preach the word.”

One thing that I learned to do years ago is to approach classes, sermons, and teaching times with a “series” mentality. That way I know what I’ve done, what I’m doing, and where we want to go. By laying out about 3-4 months at a time I can keep my eyes and ears open and prepare “on the go.” This allows me to shorten the actual preparation time for a single class or lesson because I (in essence) have been working on it for weeks. Example: On Sunday Nights I know that in February I’m teaching a month long series on Gospel and Culture and in April I’ll be teaching on the Holy Spirit. I already have pages of notes on each that I add to as I come across things or meditate on these topics. When it comes time to write out these lessons much of the leg work has already been done. It is like I’m sketching the rough outline now and then I’ll come back with the paint when it’s time to teach that lesson. Be prepared helps me be prepared.

Monday I lay the foundation for the week’s teaching times. I fully prep for Tuesday and Wednesday (I’ll spend time those mornings to tie up any loose ends) and I map out for Sunday. I will work/study on each class throughout the week but I really prep hard today.

I lay the foundation early so I can hit the ground building each Monday morning.

Friday Thoughts

This really has been a good week. Here are some of the highlights:

Schedule: As I stated last week, I’ve altered my schedule to make me a bit more productive and pro-active. Things went well. I found places to tweak and to change. Maybe my schedule can help you schedule. I’ll post on my schedule next week.

Reading: I finished 2 books this past week and started 3 more. I’m reading everything from theology to discipleship to Sesame Street. No fooling.

Practical Theology: I’ve been pondering this for a little over 2 weeks now- Read 1 Cor 9:19-23. Now, think of a specific issue in worship/ministry that causes arguments- you know, weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Next ask yourself, “Would Paul have encouraged _______________ if it would advance the gospel?” or “Would Paul have changed the tradition of ___________________ if it would have led someone to Jesus?” I believe that the answers to these questions has a profound impact on our practices. There’s you some light thinking for the weekend. You are welcome.

U2: Tons of new info out about the album. Rolling Stone & Q have song descriptions. Radio stations are saying that the new single will be out in the next two weeks. Bono is talking about “outdoor” shows and a tour beginning in June (He must have heard my request to avoid the due date of my forstborn. He such a stand up guy.). If only there were some album cover pics. Oh well. We can’t have everything we wish for. Check out all the new information at @U2 New Album Info page.

Technology: I’ve been asked to teach a Youth Ministry seminar in February. One of the sessions will be on “Using Technology in Ministry” I am looking forward to Bobby’s posts on Swerve on using mobile devices for ministry. Check out his quick Mobile Primer.

You: I hope you have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

Productive Day

I got a whole lot of stuff done today. Sure I started my day an hour earlier but who’s counting?

One of the things I’m trying to do before baby arrives is to create a good deal of margin in my life. Things get so hectic and over scheduled in our world that most of us live edge to edge. In fact if we’re honest we tend to let things bleed over to the next page.

For me I decided that I wanted to be more purposeful in my time-management. I picked up “Time Management from the Inside Out” by Julie Morgenster, scheduled out the coming week in my planner, and then set about working my plan today.

If the rest of the week goes as well as it did today than I am well on my way to managing my time margin allowing me to be more strategic with my minutes and hours.

What helps you manage time most effectively?

Romans 12:10

“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

This verse has really been on my heart lately. I listened to a podcast where the minister really drove home this idea of what it means to “outdo one another is showing honor.”

To him this meant doing the hard things not for your glory or for your pride but doing the hard things so no one else has too. This is completely different from serving because we know we should (guilt) or serving because we want to look good (arrogance).

He specifically mentioned working in the parking crew so that when it’s cold and rainy outside that you say to yourself, “I’m going to serve in the cold and the rain so no one else has too.”

When the Holy Spirit begins to give us this attitude then our zeal for serving doesn’t diminish.

So, where can you begin to serve those around around you with this attitude? Maybe it is cleaning the toilets. Maybe it is picking up trash.

Doing something so someone else won’t have to seems to me to be the essence of living sacrificially.

Let’s outdo one another in showing honor!