Category Archives: Ethos

Where I’m At

Yesterday I posted a bit about how frustrated I am with politics right now. I usually point to the Who’s song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again” with it’s pitch-perfect line of “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” to sum up my political feelings. The problem with feeling that cynical is that it leads to giving up and inaction. Those are two options that I’m not willing to settle with right now.

I’ve found a new(er) anthem to take me through November and beyond. This song addresses what’s wrong with today and then challenges me to do something about it.

This is the world we live in. Do something great.

Land of Confusion

I must’ve dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They’re moving into the street.

Now did you read the news today
They say the dangers gone away
But I can see the fires still alight
There burning into the night.

There’s too many men
Too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Can’t you see
This is a land of confusion.

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands were given
Use them and lets start trying
To make it a place worth living in.

Ooh Superman where are you now
When everythings gone wrong somehow
The men of steel, the men of power
Are losing control by the hour.

This is the time
This is the place
So we look for the future
But theres not much love to go round
Tell me why, this is a land of confusion.

This is the world we live in
And these are the hands were given
Use them and lets start trying
To make it a place worth living in.

I remember long ago –
Ooh when the sun was shining
Yes and the stars were bright
All through the night
And the sound of your laughter
As I held you tight
So long ago –

I won’t be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
Were not just making promises
That we know, we’ll never keep.

There’s too many men
There’s too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Can’t you see
This is a land of confusion.

Now this is the world we live in
And these are the hands were given
Use them and lets start trying
To make it a place worth fighting for.

This is the world we live in
And these are the names were given
Stand up and lets start showing
Just where our lives are going to.

Out of My Element

I have been sporadic in my postings as of late. I have been in a different place in my heart and my mind lately and I haven’t wanted to have any of that spill over onto the blog. So much going on- politics, new school year, fatigue- and yet so little I feel like writing about.

I guess one of the biggest things keeping me from posting is that I have been up to my eyeballs in election coverage. Most of the commentators have kept me wishing for a pair of rusty scissors to jam into the side of my head (especially Keith Olberman). Thankfully we only have 8 weeks left.

“I know,” you say, “Turn off the tv. Don’t read about it. Take a break from all the coverage.” If you know me you know that ain’t gonna happen. I have my own personal election watch party I can’t very well just press pause. I just know that I can’t take much more of this stuff.

Mostly because I wonder how much it really matters.

I don’t put much faith, if any, into the hope that politicians of either party can do much to really affect people on the “day to day” level.

I am a firm believer that individuals leading up and reaching out truly affect change. It isn’t the Senators. It isn’t the judges. It isn’t in assemblymen. There is too much pull for power there.

True sacrifice and leadership come from everyday people serving one another.

I seem to have an opinion on just about everything. However, when it comes to politics-specifically this election- I’m out of my element. Right now there are too many people asking me to put my trust in them to do what’s best for the world and for me and mine.

I need to find the answers on affecting change for those I seek to lead and serve for myself. I can’t have a politician do it for me.

Neither can you.

Small Leadership Bites

Here are a few chunks of leadership goodness from Bill Hybels’ latest Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs for your Monday.

Vision: Paint the Picture Passionately
Vision and passion are inextricably bound together in the life of a leader. God made it so. When you have eyes to see the vision that God has given you, you’ll know it because your heart will feel it so deeply that, over time, any lingering uncertainty will vanish.

Bold Moves
As the years went by, my teammates and I began to notice that the primary reason we were making significant progress as a church was that we had enough people making “bold moves.” They were thinking fresh thoughts, pioneering cool new programs, and trusting God to accomplish significant kingdom-building activity in their midst.

Only God
It’s more than an axiom. It is a theology… We watch for our heavenly Father to move and stir and act. and call. And when he does, we humbly thank him with the only two words that could even begin to give credit to the one to whom alone credit is due:”Only God.”

The Why of Leadership pt. 3

Sometimes people fail to lead because one thing stands in their way: Fear.

Fear of the unknown, the never-known, and the what-ifs can become an albatross around the neck of even the greatest heroes. Even Superman.

Did you know Superman has a fear? Actually he has two fears.

These fears are not exclusive to the Man of Steel either. They represent a virus of fear and false leadership that can strike at the heart of us all. They represent two ends of the spectrum and need a healthy examination to make sure that these fears and their effects don’t take hold. We’re all susceptible but knowing that they are there is half the battle. (I’m mixing my metaphors. Oops.) Once we identify the fear, we’ll identify the cure.

1) Superman fears that he will become too powerful.
Let’s be honest Superman could just as easily destroy as save. He is the ultimate weapon. He is the most powerful being on he planet and he knows it too. This knowledge could have kept him in Smallville and working on the farm for his entire life. The fear of himself and his gifts could have killed any hope of ever becoming a hero much less a leader. This fear goes by another name and it isn’t pretty. It’s called Pride and it has destroyed many a leader. If Superman, with all his gifts and powers, fears pride then shouldn’t we?

Again, let’s be honest. Most leaders do not fear their pride. In fact most never think about what happens when it starts to be more about themselves and less about others until it is way too late. The damage gets done, the leader fails, and people get hurt. Again, our fear of pride can keep us from doing anything at all. Thankfully, there is a cure to our pride and it’s called Humility.

Here is a little fact from the nerdery: Batman has a piece of Krypton locked away in the Batcave. Did you know that? Batman didn’t recover this piece of Krypton from a field in Kansas and he didn’t take the Batship out into deep space to find it either. So how did he get it?

It was humbly given to him by Superman. If ever Superman gets out of control, if ever he threatens the planet, if ever his pride blinds him to his true mission of serving humanity, Batman is to use that piece of Krypton to stop (kill) Superman.

Accountability is where humility begins. Afraid of your pride? Remember that you are accountable. Leaders are accountable to God, their people, their families, their friends… this list goes on and on. Approach leadership with pride and be destroyed. Approach it humbly and make a difference.

2) Superman is afraid of failure.
On the other side of the “All Powerful” coin is the fear that no matter what he does he can never do enough. This fear of failure is just as debilitating. Many a leader has disqualified themselves from leadership because they are afraid of failing. Lex has used this fear against Superman a few times over the years and each time we see Superman retreating away to Smallville or to the Fortress of Solitude. Self-pity really isn’t a great virtue. Self-pity really is the ugly step-sister to pride isn’t it?

Leaders fall into self-pity because they have forgotten that leadership isn’t about them it is about others. So what’s the cure? How do we get over that fear?

I can’t be filled with self-pity when I’m focused on the needs of others.

I guess the cure to both of these fears – Pride and Pity – is to again focus on the why.

Are you leading just to get ahead? Are you leading because you like/need the spotlight? Are you using your position to have your needs met? Have you forgotten about the needs of those you serve? Watch out for pride.

Are you afraid of failing? Do you second guess every move because of some great big unknown? Do you feel too inadequate? Do you feel worthless? Are you scared about looking foolish? Watch out for self-pity.

Are you focused on lifting others up? Are you excited about seeing those you serve win and win big? Do you care more about someone else getting the spotlight or the glory? Do you lead with humility? Is it more about others than it is yourself? You might just be understanding the why of leadership.

When you know the why behind what you do, then you begin to lead. Understand the why.

The Why of Leadership pt. 2

Why is Superman a hero? Why does he stick his neck out for humanity? Why does he serve them?

The answer is… because he has to.

He is compelled by love and concern and responsibility. It isn’t for money or fame or glory. He simply understands the gifts he has been given and knows that he must use them to make a difference. There is the why.

Some people think that the opposite of leading is to follow. I don’t subscribe to that.

The opposite of leading is… not leading. We don’t see it that way because we live in a time where the person at the top or out in front or whoever has the microphone or whomever looks the part is considered the leader. However, this doesn’t guarantee that they are leading. Yet it is obvious these people are not following either. We need to coin a new word or phrase for these pseudo-leaders.

Something like dis-leaders or frauds un-leaders. Something like that.

Dis-leaders are everywhere. They have a position of a leader but their actions tell another story.

Superman leads because he is compelled in his heart to lead. Lex Luthor does what he does because the pay is incredible.

Superman leads because he sees a need. Lex Luthor only wants his needs met.

Superman leads through example. Lex Luthor stays safe in his own little world high above the city.

Superman leads regardless of the situation. Lex Luthor keeps his options open.

Superman sacrifices for others. Lex Luthor sacrifices other’s well being.

Superman leads with vision (laser vision at that). Lex Luthor moves only with today’s newspaper.

Both Superman and Lex Luthor are a huge presence in Metropolis. Both are mighty men with great influence and power. Both have access to the media and live at center stage.

One is a leader and the other is not. The difference is in the why.

The Thought In My Head

I was listening to an interview with Erwin McManus yesterday and something he said has been floating around in my mind ever since.

I don’t believe in balance. I believe in living a skewed life. I think balance is a very Buddist thing. It’s not very reflective of Jesus at all. Balance comes from Mr. Myagi in The Karate Kid.

I challenge you to go find anything Jesus said that implies that we should be balanced. In fact Jesus said, “Put first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.”

He is saying, “Be skewed. Don’t be balanced. Move your life entirely for the purpose of the kingdom of God. Then everything will magnetically begin to revolve around that.

What a great truth! I think as Christians we strive too much for normalcy. That is evidenced by the fact that survey after survey concludes that Christians live lives no different from those who do not know Jesus. We have the same divorce rate, the same addictions, the same attitudes. Normal is killing our witness. It’s time to live skewed. It’s time to be wierd. It’s time to be different.

Live off balance.

Book Review: Wild Goose Chase

For me, Sunday is a work day. So I often turn to podcasts or books to supplement my Bible study. I just don’t have the opportunity to just sit and meditate on classes or sermons in a way that I would like. I try and fill my free-time by listening to different voices that motivate me, educate me, lift me up, and challenge me. One of those voices is Mark Batterson from National Community Church in Washington, DC.

I was blown away by Mark’s first book In the Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day. The idea that God is in the midst of the difficult times in your life and that He is redeeming the pain and struggle for his glory really resonated with my heart. Since reading In a Pit there hasn’t been a day go by where I haven’t thought about Chasing the Lions in my life and trusting that God will mold me and allow me to glorify him.

Now Mark is asking us to Chase the Goose.

Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit–An Geadh-Glas, or ‘the Wild Goose.’ I love the imagery and implications. The name hints at the mysterious nature of the Holy Spirit. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it’s like to follow the Spirit’s leading through life than Wild Goose chase. I think the Celtic Christians were on to something that institutionalized Christianity has missed out on. And I wonder if we have clipped the wings of the Wild Goose and settled for something less – much less – than what God originally intended for us.

I understand that “wild goose chase” typically refers to a purposeless endeavor without a defined destination. But chasing the Wild Good is different. The promptings of the Holy Spirit can sometimes seem pretty pointless, but rest assured, God is working his plan. And if you chase the Wild Goose, He will take you places you never could have imagined going by paths you never knew existed.

Wild Goose Chase is another winner from Mark Batterson. Mark takes the reader through 6 cages that keep us locked up and prevent us from running free to chase after all God has in store for us. With each emotional cage the reader is given a biblical hero who struggled through being caged and how God set them free and called them into the Chase. Here is how Mark structures the book:

  1. The Cage of Responsibility (Nehemiah)
  2. The Cage of Routine (Moses)
  3. The Cage of Assumptions (Abraham)
  4. The Cage of Guilt (Peter)
  5. The Cage of Failure (Paul)
  6. The Cage of Fear (Jonathan)

Wild Goose Chase succeeds because it is succinct, practical, and grounded in scripture. Another reason that this book is so great is that Mark isn’t afraid to use his real-life experiences (poignant, funny, or embarrassing) to show that this isn’t some high-minded theological mumbojumbo. The Chase is real and as such can be experienced by all who passionately seek after God.

Mark has such a heart for God that you can’t help but be inspired by his message. The reader will walk away from this book with a sense of God’s grace, majesty, and calling. Beyond that Mark fills the book with useful step-by-step suggestions to starting the chase through goal-setting, prayer, and service ideas.

I cannot recommend this book enough. Maybe you feel like you’ve just been spinning your wheels lately. You’ve lost sense of your passions, your purpose, or your first love. You want to pursue this great God who created you, loved you, sacrificed for you. You just don’t know where to start. Wild Goose Chase might help you reconnect with that One who has been pursuing you. Maybe it can help rekindle your desire and maybe it will introduce you to the One who is worth every hour, every minute, every ounce of strength you can put into the pursuit.

Go on…Chase the Goose!

Want a FREE copy of Wild Goose Chase? I have a copy of Wild Goose Chase sitting on my desk for one lucky reader. If you want it, email me at kickingatthedarkness (AT) gmail (DOT) com and tell me why you want to read this book. Make sure you send your address and phone number so I can contact you to tell you that you have been chosen. I will take entries from today (8/12) through Noon (CST) this Friday (8/15). Good luck.

Official Website for Wild Goose Chase

Title: Wild Goose Chase
Author: Mark Batterson
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Multnomah Books
Release Date: August 19, 2008

Hallelujah Time

Whew! I am so tired. We had an incredible adventure to Kentucky for our annual mission trip. We spent 8 days serving people of Leslie and Clay counties and then 8 (long) nights sleeping on the hard floors of an elementary school nestled in the hollar of the Kentucky mountains. It was an awesome trip. My teens experienced people, ideas, and situations that they would have never seen here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. I have received a ton of positive feedback from parents and teens. It was a great trip.

Since I’ve returned I have been unable to shake this feeling of exhaustion though. If I could just take a month off and just sleep maybe I could get over this feeling. That ain’t gonna happen though. I’ll just have to make the most of my nights and and relish in my down time. My wife had to force me to take a day off this week and she chided me for wanting to read some books about small group ministry on my said day off. I relented and picked up a book that I have wanted to read for the last few years.

I started reading Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley by Timothy White. What a fascinating book. It begins with the history of the Rastafarian religion and lifestyle which is supremely bizarre and eye opening. I am more interested in Bob but this backstory of the worldview in which he lived, breathed, and, in some way, helped craft has added a new layer of dimension to this enigmatic purveyor of sweet soul music.

Like most Americans who say that they are fans of Bob Marley I’ve really only listened to Legend, the 1984 compilation released posthumously to capitalize on Marley’s, well, legend. I have another set that is a primer on Bob and his career but like everyone else, Legend is just about it for me.

To supplement my reading I purchased Burnin’, the last Wailers album. The book has already alluded to the cultural and philosophical significance of songs like Small Axe, Duppy Conqueror, and Burnin and Lootin.

After listening to the album this morning I have some new Bob Marley favorites to add to the mix. I am totally grooving to One Foundation, Rasta Man Chant, Reincarnated Souls, and Hallelujah Time.

The lyrics to Hallelujah Time really struck me this morning. I am so tired and stretched thin yet I can’t help but praise my Father. We are all living and breathing because of His grace and by his power. How can we not sing praises to Him?

For those of us who believe in and have been changed by Almighty God and his one and only Son, anytime is Hallelujah time.

Hear the children cryin’,
but I know they cry not in vain.
Now the times are changin’;
love has come to bloom again.

Smelling the air when spring comes by raindrops
reminds us of youthful days.
But now it’s not rain that water the cane crops,
but the sweat from man’s brow;
the substance from our spine.
We gotta keep on living, living on borrowed time:
Hallelujah time!

Yes, you can hear the children singing: Hallelujah time!
As they go singing by and by: Hallelujah time!
Oh, “hallelujah” singing in the morning.
Hallelujah time! Let them sing; don’t let them cry.

Over rocks and mountains
the sheep are scattered all around.
Over hills and valleys,
they are everywhere to be found.
But though we bear our burdens now,
All afflictions got to end somehow:
From swinging the hammer, pulling the plough.

Why won’t you let us be, to live in harmony?
We like to be free like birds in a tree.

Hallelujah time! Yes, you can hear the children singing.
Hallelujah time! Yes, as they go singing by and by.
Hallelujah time! Oh “hallelujah” singing in the morning.
Let them sing; never let them cry.
Hallelujah time! “Hallelujah” singin’ in the morning.

Where I Got Hooked pt. 4

I’m out of pocket this week while we are on our mission trip in Kentucky. I thought a good idea for posting this week would be to share with you some of my favorite passages from the different books sitting on my desk. It is in these passages where I found myself being hooked by the ideas and concepts contained within their pages.

I hope that these quick takes will encourage you and connect with you in some way this week. Enjoy.

Today’s excerpt is from Mark Buchanan The Rest of God. This is from the chapter entitled, “Stopping to Find What’s Missing.”

And something in us dies. Too much work, the British used to say, makes Jack a dull boy. But it’s worse than that. It numbs Jack, parches Jack, hardens jack. It kills his heart. When we get to busy, everything becomes either a trudge or a scramble, the doldrums or sheer mayhem. We get bored with the familiar, threatened by the unfamiliar . Our capacity for both steadfastness and adventure shrivels.

We just want to be left alone.

One measure for whether or not you’re rested enough- besides falling asleep in board meetings- is to ask yourself this: How much do I care about the things I care about? When we lose concern for people, both the lost and the found, for the bride of Christ, for friendship, for truth and beauty and goodness; when we cease to laugh when our children laugh (and instead yell at them to quite down) or weep when or spouses weep (and instead wish they didn’t get so emotional); when we heard news of trouble among our neighbors and our first thought is that we hope it isn’t going to involve us- when we stop caring about the things we care about– that’s a signal we’re too busy. We have let ourselves be consumed by the things that feed the ego but starve the soul.

Busyness kills the heart.

Session V: The Creativity Challenge

Session V: The Creativity Challenge
Learn to be a good steward of your mind
Love God with the Left side (logical) and the Right (creative) side of your brain

There is a natural shift from Right to Left. When we learn something it begins in the right side- fun, mystery, new, exciting. As we become more familiar with the action it natural moves from imagination to rote behavior. From excitement to simply going though the motions.

Five ways to stay creative.
1) Cross Pollenate– Read like crazy. Read anything and everything. Master your domain but have the guts to move outside your comfort zone and learn something new and challenging

2) Do Recon– go to conferences, visit other churches, download multiple podcasts

3) Exegete Culture– the Athenian Approach (Acts 17)

4) Allow for Mistakes– learn to adjust and find the sweet spot

5) Notice Details– Anything says something about everything. 1% of what you makes 99% of the difference

Change of place + change of pace = change of perspective

Creativity is exceeding expectations.