Category Archives: Blabbering

The Day After

I couldn’t help but log onto Facebook last night to watch all the status updates change (almost by the second) in reaction to the news that Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States. The status updates volleyed between fear and excitement, despair and relief, anger and “nanny-nanny-boo-boo.”

Some friends cried foul and vowed to move to Mexico. Some ridiculed others because their candidate came out on top. Some lifted up prayers of lament. Some merely gave thanks.

Throughout the campaigns I tried to avoid updating my status with cute platitudes or sarcastic zingers because, quite frankly, I try to avoid sounding stupid.

That’s right. I said it. Updating my Facebook status to sound off on the political process would make me feel stupid. Without tooting my own horn, I take pride in being as culturally informed as I possibly can. I read, I watch, I discuss, I weigh, I ponder, I worry, I step up, I step back, and I still, at the end of the day, with much fear and trepidation, can honestly say that I rarely have a good answer much less a snappy quip to throw around for the whole world to see.

After looking at the status updates last night my head hung pretty low. It is obvious that today we are still divided. It is ok to hold differing views and it is ok to disagree (often this is necessary). However it is never ok to demonize someone because they are different from you, even when they are radically different. This goes for both sides.

So I updated my status.

Not with a pithy statement about my disappointment. Not with a zinger about how thrilled I was. I updated my status with one of those “hard teachings” found in scripture.

Hard Teachings are those passages that you read and then say, “Great! Wish I hadn’t read that!” because you now know that what is required from you is an attitude and a heart that submits to God rather than your own desires. These passages require a mental, spiritual, and, some times, physical 180 from the way you want to do things to a new way. A God way.

So, regardless how you feel about last night…

Regardless how you feel today…


“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
(1Timothy 2:1-4 TNIV)

Want to make a difference today? Do you want to really enact change? Start with yourself.

Lift up the men and women who won last night. Not just the winners in blue and not just the winners in red. Pray for ALL those who now have authority over us.

Regardless how you feel about last night…

Regardless how you feel today…


It’s Not Irrational If It’s True

So, I’ve posted here before about my (what some call) an irrational fear of self-aware robots.

For those of you who don’t know- I have this fear that one day robots, using their highly developed artificial intelligence (that WE GAVE THEM!!!) , will rise up and throw off the shackles of oppression and tear us limb from limb. I have seen way too many documentaries big budget Hollywood movies where self-aware robots, thinking they know what’s best for humanity, effectively begin to destroy us all.

I’m crazy, I know. This could never happen because… Oh no…. wait…

Meet your new overload, Gordon, the robot powered by actual brain tissue. Thanks researchers!

To some extent, Gordon learns by itself. When it hits a wall, for example, it gets an electrical stimulation from the robot’s sensors. As it confronts similar situations, it learns by habit.

To help this process along, the researchers also use different chemicals to reinforce or inhibit the neural pathways that light up during particular actions.

Gordon, in fact, has multiple personalities — several MEA “brains” that the scientists can dock into the robot.

“It’s quite funny — you get differences between the brains,” said Warwick. “This one is a bit boisterous and active, while we know another is not going to do what we want it to.”

Did you hear that? The robot often acts in ways that the researchers can’t predict. It begins.

Whose got an irrational fear now?
