From the Hillsong Conference in Austrailia. It’s 12 minutes of Bittersweet Symphony/Amazing Grace goodness for your weekend enjoyment.
Category Archives: Awesomenessness
Summer Staple
Every summer we try and catch the Dave Matthews Band when their summer tour swings into Dallas. Tonight was one of their best shows here in Big D that I’ve ever seen. For once it was the perfect temperature for an outdoor event and the band was in a playful, upbeat mood. Lots of smiles and lots of music.
This was my favorite picture of the night. You can check out the rest by clicking here.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Welcome Aboard Is Live
Monday Morning Dance Break
Even though it’s Monday you can still get your groove on.
Davey Dance Blog – 28 – NYC MTA – The Sunshine Underground – “Put You In Your Place” from Pheasant Plucker and Vimeo.
The Last Photo I Took Before Security Took My Camera
I was able to catch the Matisyahu concert tonight. I snapped this photo and then a security guard escorted me to the front office where I had to surrender my camera. It was the next to last song and I was able to get my camera as I left the concert so it was all good. I got some great photos which I’ll post later. Stay tuned.
Catch A Fire
I have been stuck in the refugee camp Atlanta airport most of the day. I’m trying to make my way to Washington, DC. but I have had a rough go at it.
On a positive note I was able to start and finish Bill Hybels’ newest book, Holy Discontent: Fueling the Fire That Ignites Personal Vision.
I am extremely tired and weary but I have to say that it was just what the Doctor ordered.
Hybels describes holy discontent as the one thing that motivates you to act. What upsets you? What injustice boils your blood? What makes you stand up and say, “Hey, I’m not going to take this anymore!!! Something has to be done and I’m doing it.”
Hybles does a great job at reminding us that it isn’t enough to be discontented on your own. We must marry the things that break our hearts to the things that break the heart of God. That where the holy comes in.
My mind is swirling right now with my holy discontents. What are they?
I smell a post series!
This Is Embarassing
This is our dog, Buttercup. She doesn’t chew things she’s not supposed to. She loves to cuddle. She is smart as a whip. She has been, for the most part, a perfect pet.
We did run into a little problem as we were moving to Texas last year though. She has always been kinda jumpy, very protective, and a little high-strung. We have concluded that she behaves this way because we are her third family. She was abandoned by her first family- left in a box on the highway. Her second family adopted her but were unable to keep her. When we adopted Buttercup she was 9 months old and in need a family that would stick. From the day we brought her home 3 years ago she has slept with us, played with us, and become a real member of the family.
Apparently the stress from moving to Texas was a little too much for her and she suffered from a couple of bladder infections. Every time we leave on vacation or change her schedule she freaks out a little. You can almost see on her face that she is saying,
“Where are you going? Am I going? Oh! No! I’m not going and your not coming back? Oh, I am going? Don’t. Leave. Me.”
Although she is very resilient and bounces right back after some antibiotics I hate to see her even the slightest bit sick. We will be heading out on a couple of trips this summer and we have been worried about her getting sick again.
Today my wife took Buttercup to the vet for a check up. To help combat her anxiousness the vet basically prescribed my dog Dog Zanex.
My dog is on anxiety medication. Embarrassing but worth posting.
Summer is Here
You want to know how I know that summer is here?
I awoke this morning to fresh baked banana bread.
I usually wake up to a big plate of jack squat because my wife has left for work about 45 minutes before I get up and I can’t make anything worthy of breakfast. Even though it’s summer and she could be sleeping in, my wife loves getting up and moving around and she put her homemaking skills into overdrive.
She really out did herself this morning. It was Mmmm, mmmm, good.
Thanks babe!!!!
The Quiz Never Lies
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You scored as William Wallace, The great Scottish warrior. William Wallace led his people against their English oppressors in a campaign that won independence for Scotland and immortalized him in the hearts of his countrymen. With his warrior’s heart, tactician’s mind, and poet’s soul, Wallace was a brilliant leader. He just wanted to live a simple life on his farm, but he gave it up to help his country in its time of need.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
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