Life is HARD. I mean, really HARD. I don’t have to tell you that. Look at everything that has happened to you… just this week. AND IT’S ONLY TUESDAY. Too often I am tempted to see myself as a VICTIM and that my life is at the mercy of of the UNFAIR, UNREASONABLE, UNIFORMED, and UNTRUE. This is false.
Yes, Life may have been UNFAIR. Yes, people may have been UNREASONABLE. Yes, their criticism was UNINFORMED. Yes, some have said things that are UNTRUE. But that doesn’t mean that your work, effort, ideas, and contribution suddenly become invalidated. Don’t let the weight of the UNFAIR, UNREASONABLE, UNIFORMED, and UNTRUE permanently ground you from doing the work you are called and designed to do.
Everyday you have a choice: See yourself as a VICTIM or become the HERO. My plan is to wake up tomorrow and take flight. What about you?