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Last Thursday I left town and headed east to the city of Atlanta for our high school mission trip. We had an incredible week working with non-profits, meeting and serving the homeless, and bonding together as a group. This week was one of those “I-love-what-I do” weeks where you get to see everything you hope to happen become a reality. My plan is to share with you a few stories between now and the weekend.

Summer has been more than crazy- new baby, trips, events, life. Summer is an odd thing for youth ministers. You spend months planning and preparing and taking your time then, all of a sudden, you running around the country at camp or events or on trips. It really is wild. I haven’t updated the blog hardly at all. I want to get back into the habit of posting regularly again so stay tuned. I am scheduled to be in town for the remainder of the summer. Whoo-who!

In the meantime, enjoy a few pictures from my trip:





