
I do not watch American Idol. Even the prospect of Bono appearing on last night’s episode wasn’t enough to get me excited about watching karaoke in primetime. I was glad to hear that a giant show like Idol was devoting so much talent and time to helping charities and children in Africa and I give them huge props for doing so. I just wasn’t rushing home to catch the show. However, had I known that The King was going to appear live and sing my favorite song from the ’68 Comeback Special I would have skipped church!!! (jk, we would have watched it in class)

Even Celine Dion couldn’t ruin the cool factor one bit. Totally awesome!!!

Check out the video:

You can also download the video from iTunes and purchase some songs from last night including Carrie Undewood’s beautiful rendition of the Pretender’s I’ll Stand By You. Check ’em out and download them for a good cause.

One thought on “Awesome”

  1. Great blog Michael. I love Elvis. My wife taped this and I think I have watched this video at least 10 times. Elvis is one of my favorite all time singers.

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