
I want to take a moment and discuss everybody’s friend, Anonymous. Oh, you all know Anonymous. He/she is that guy/girl who feels compelled to say something without saying something. They are the ones who have ALL the answers but are obviously so humble that they don’t want the credit. So generous. So loving. So…. FULL OF CRAP!

Take for example this Anonymous comment left at one of the blogs I frequent. The blogger has been seriously ill. He has been struggling with this illness for the past few weeks but on Monday the pain became more acute. Here is what Anonymous had to say:

I can’t say I am that upset. Whatever suffering you and (and your wife) have, you brought it upon yourselves.

As awful as that comment was, it seems to be nothing new. This blogger gets them quite alot.

See, he’s a minister. (And it is a wonder that more ministers don’t pack up and move on because of this type of behavior.)

That’s right. Some nominal “Christian” decided to use his freedom in Christ to hurl insults at, not only the man he disagrees with but his family as well. And it is ok for him to do so because well… he’s Anonymous.

Anonymous happens all the time in the Christian community. You don’t like someone, attack them and never be caught! The internet is great for that kind of behavior. You aren’t talking to the person. You’re alone with a screen. You type in a few jabs and hone in on the jugular. “Ha, Ha,” you think. “This insult with help put them on the straight and narrow! This jab will help them see the errors of their way.”

I get these Anonymous notes all the time. Nothing this vicious or callous, mind you, but just as cowardly and just as manipulative.

So, Anonymous, if you have the guts to stab a man in the name of Jesus… leave your name instead. Let Jesus speak for himself.

In the Name of…
Micheal Jame Felker

One thought on “Anonymous”

  1. Micheal,

    I agree with you totally, it’s really sad, and frustrating! That is why I just don’t allow anonymous comments. They hold absolutely no weight with me, at all. Blessings! Chris

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