28 Years Ago Today… Pt. 2

Twenty-eight years ago today you adopted me.

What can I say?

Thank you. You opened your home for me, cared for me, disciplined me, and provided for my every want and need.

Thank you for helping me understand the importance of my adoption and for not letting me be defined by it. It was never used as an excuse or crutch. It was a reality but I was your son. No questions asked.

Thank you for your examples and your love. Thank you for the dinners and for watching after your grand-dog when we are away.

Thank you more than words can say.

3 thoughts on “28 Years Ago Today… Pt. 2”

  1. You are more than welcome. You have been a joy for all 28 years and I love you.

  2. continues to be a great blog.
    you are an amazing person Micheal.
    adopted into Christs family. A child of the living God.
    Loved, appreciated and respected.
    What a cool thing.

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