ABC Needs Some New Photos on File

I was reading through some news reports this morning when I clicked on a story about how real campain finance laws might prevent Stephen Colbert from getting on the ballot in South Carolina. Here is the picture that accompanied the story:


Did you see that Doritos bag? When was that stock photo taken? I’m not sure of the date but I am certain that it pre-dates Cool Ranch. ABC is billion dollar company and I guess that they couldn’t hop over to 7-11 for a new bag of chips to take a more up-to-date photo for their news story on current events.

I think the “liberal” media is trying to paint this awesome, conservative, native son of South Carolina with the broad brush of out of touchness. I bet stories on Hillary are featured with the current Little Debbie logos. I would be willing to venture a guess that you wouldn’t see Obama with a can of “Crystal Pepsi” or Edwards making his millions chasing ambulances like he did back in the 80s and 90s. No way because those times have past and the media wants to portray these candidates as hip and modern. The liberal media watches out for their liberal friends. It’s the true conservatives that are regulated to bad photoshop and file photos.

Colbert, don’t let the “establishment” say you’re as fresh as a 1978 bag of nacho cheese tortilla chips. You sir are a spicy blend of Fiery Habanero and Cojones!

And that’s the Word!

Colbert ’08