
Last night, we had the pitter-patter of little feet in the Felker household. Some friends of ours had a business meeting nearby so that asked if we could watch their son who is about 8 months old. “No problem,” I said, “bring him over!” So from about seven until midnight we tasted parenthood.

When they dropped him off they gave us a few tips to calm him if he began crying. “Oh, he loves The Simpsons,” his mom said. Bingo!!! I knew right there that it was going to be a good night!

The evening went by very smoothly- no crying, lots of giggles, and most importantly, I didn’t have to change a dirty diaper.

I did struggle with one thing though. I had a hard time putting his PJs on.

I laid him on the bed and began unbuttoning his onesie. No problem. Then he began to laugh and kick.

As I was pulling the onesie over his head it got stuck. I began to panic because I was sure that he was about to freak out. As gently and as quickly as I could I pulled it over his head. When it came over his face he began to just laugh and kick and laugh some more. I think he thought we were playing peek-a-boo. Whew!

The next challenge came seconds later when I tried to put on hs pajama pants. It sort of went like this:

One foot on.
Laugh, kick.
Pants are now inside out.
Fix pants.
Two feet on.
Laugh, kick.
Pants are inside out again.

It went on like that for about five minutes.

I have a hard enough time dressing myself in the mornings much less a laughing, sqirming little boy. A preview of things to come some day I guess.

Not anytime soon but some day. Maybe. Maybe.