We need your prayers.
Please pray for my friend’s mother, Ellen Martindale. She started Chemo Therapy on Monday and we’ll will just have to wait and see how that goes. The phone number below is the number for her prayer pager. This pager is so that people can let her know she has been prayed for. If you get the chance please use it. You need to call and let it ring 3 times and then hang up. This will let Ellen know that you have said a prayer for her. Needless to say she has ups and downs with her emotions and I really think this will be great at lifting her up. The love and support shown for this family so far has been overwhelming. Please keep praying for her family, for Ellen, and that the Lord will heal her.
Ellen Martindale’s Prayer Pager
Call. Let it ring 3 times. Hang up. Repeat as needed.