Swimming in the Sea

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This week’s podcast features the first of two installments of a poignant and eye-opening interview with author Don Miller. Don speaks with the Relevant staff about postmodern thought, the war in Iraq, Christians response to culture, and the Christian legacy of peace. Don’s words go along with what I posted on Friday concerning theological reflection. A great podcast. I encourage you to check it out!

Don Miller broke onto the scene with his book Blue Like Jazz and has become a highly sought after speaker. BLJ really struck a chord with twenty-somethings all over the planet and just took off. I was mentally stretched by the book and was challenged by Don’s real and raw style. I had a chance to meet Don back in October at the Catalyst conference. He was warm and engaging and I think that his personality really comes across in the podcast. Again, great stuff. I can’t wait for the second installment.

Relevant Magazine