
The month of May was just one of those months.

Personally, we had a baby and I was laid low with an illness that is still nagging me.

Professionally, we had an insane number of events and opportunities for ministry to attend to.

This past week we finished up Work Camp, an event that takes months to plan and execute.

This week, I feel like I can breathe again.

Seasons of business happen to us all. When you are overwhelmed and pushed to your limit for a small about of time you are able to survive. It is when you allow these seasons to become the norm – that’s when you get into trouble. You can sustain being in the red line for a short amount of time but stay there too long and you blow a gasket… or your adrenal glands.

Don’t be that person who is constantly busy and overworked. Build into you year times of rest and rejuvenation. Avoid moving from project to project and went to event. Let your mental/physical/emotional field lay fallow for a season.

Your effectiveness and your ability to deliver will increase the next time you have to push through a difficult and busy season.