Question Your Existence

In the fall of 2001, I attended my very first Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention in Dallas. The night before the conference began I began wondering which classes I would attend. As I read the class titles I knew exactly which class I would attend first. Bright and early the next morning I took my seat in “Why Youth Ministers Should Read the Writings of the Existentialist.”

This class changed my life.

I found out a couple of things about myself and about others that day. First, I discovered that I am a complete nerd who enjoys getting up early in the morning and attending classes entitled “Why Youth Ministers Should Read the Writings of the Existentialist.” Secondly, I discovered that every human being questions his/her existence.

Of course youth ministers should read the existentialist. Teenagers question their existence more than anybody.

“Do I matter?” “Who am I?” “Where am I going?”

It isn’t until we’re older and have more bruises that we begin to ask these questions only to ourselves and a bit quieter than before.

After that class I began reading Kierkegaard. Theology, existentialism, philosophy: it’s all there. I keep the Essential Kierkegaard on my desk at work. Every now and then I reach over, open it up, and swim around his work. My favorite are his parables. If Jesus’ parables are about the kingdom, Kierkegaard’s parbles are about how we react to Jesus.

My favorite is about the Duck City.

There is a town where only ducks live. Each Sundy the ducks make their way to church. They waddle out into the street and waddle into the church. Each duck waddles to his/her own little pew and has a seat. The duck choir waddles in followed by the duck minister. He opens up the Duck Bible and begins to read to the congregation. “Ducks!” he quacks. “God has given you wings! With wings you can fly! With wings you can soar like eagles. No walls can confine you! No fences can hold you! You have wings and you can fly like birds!” All the ducks shouted, “Amen!” And they all waddled home.

Powerful stuff.

Everyday I get up. I brush my teeth and head to work. Throughout the day I continually have to ask myself one question:

Do I truly believe in Jesus Christ and His message or am I all quack.