Advent. The season of anticipation as we await the coming Messiah. Just as the world was in darkness before Jesus stepped onto the scene so, we too, wait for his return to bring aight into our darkness.
This season Is typically filled with events and gatherings that too often stretch us past our capacity. “That’s ok,” we tell ourselves. “Once we get past the holidays we can take a breath, slow down, and recharge.” For many of us, this respite never comes. We’ve seen it in the headlines and we’ve experienced it first-hand. When a leader fails to take care of their inner life a blow-up, a break down, or a burn out soon follows.
Over the years, I have identified 7 forms of DARKNESS that keep leaders from experiencing joy, perspective, and longevity in ministry:
1) Depression/Anxiety
2) Anger/Resentment
3) Relational Issues
4) Unmet Needs/Unrealistic Expectations
5) Lack of Encouragement
6) Stress
7) Dysfunctional Systems
Over the coming days, I’ll highlight each of these issues and help us shine the Light of Jesus on your heart, soul, mind, body, and relationships. Advent begins with HOPE. Maybe you identify with one or more of these agents of Darkness. Take heart, Jesus is coming.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33_
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